Ansys Student's license

ANSYS Student

  1. Ask your professor for USERNAME and PASSWORD to download files
  2. Download installation file (free version about 11Gb) from this LINK
  3. Unzip it into a folder on your PC (es.: C:\ansys)
  4. Run setup.exe and follow installation procedure to install ANSYS 2024R1 (skip the page regarding server configuration)
  5. License is already embedded in ansys software (Built-in license valid untill 1/31/2025)
  6. Further information on ansys pages

Problem size limits:

  • No Geometry Export

Limits for Ansys Student and Discovery (Refine Mode)

  • Structural Physics: 128K nodes/elements
  • Fluid physics: 512K cells/nodes

Limits for Ansys SPEOS

  • Geometry: can support up to 50 bodies and 300 faces
  • Number of Triangles: 32K


You are authorized to obtain multiple copies of the temporary license key provided that A) you may only use 1 copy of the license key and B) you may share with each student in your course or who is performing research at your direction one copy of the license key for his/her/their own use solely in association with your class or such research. Your right to share the license keys with your students is contingent on you providing the notice below with the license key to each student and subject to US export law restrictions. You will not otherwise share the temporary license key to any other person nor will you disclose the location of this page on the customer portal with anyone.

Notice: This temporary license key is not to be distributed, downloaded or made accessible to any other individual.  It may only be used by you, the recipient, solely in connection with your university class or authorized university research. This temporary license key is not to be distributed, downloaded or made accessible to anyone in China or Russia.​”​

ANSYS Full Version

  1. Ask your professor for USERNAME and PASSWORD to download files
  2. Download installation file (about 13Gb) from this LINK (Ansys Structure 2023R1)
  3. Download installation file (about 12Gb) from this LINK (Ansys Fluids 2023R1)
  4. Unzip it into a folder on your PC (es.: C:\ansys)
  5. Run setup.exe and follow installation procedure to install ANSYS 2023R1
  6. License server name:
Last update 11 June 2024