Patricia Martín Rodríguez Seminar 1

Dove e quando

2019-11-28 | DICCA - Villa Cambiaso - Via Montallegro 1 - Aula A7

Seminar 1

Extreme wind events in Cuba
Structural damage and post-disaster efforts

prof. Patricia Martín Rodríguez
Department of Structures, Technological University of Havana “José Antonio Echeverría” (Cujae)

Due to its geographic position, Cuba is frequently subjected to the occurrence of strong winds, mainly associated with hurricanes. These meteorological events cause serious human and material losses. At the beginning of the 60s of the last century, a disaster reduction strategy was developed in Cuba and the creation of a Civil Defense System has allowed the reduction of disasters in the country, especially in the preservation of human lives. The seminar will present a brief summary about the evolution of construction in Cuba, the main characteristics of the civil defense system in Cuba, as well as the main disasters in construction due to hurricanes. As a case study, the methodology to address the study of failures in telecommunication towers will be shown. Finally, a description of the disasters caused by the tornado that occurred in Havana in January 2019 and the actions developed for the recovery of the city will be developed.


prof. Giovanni Solari

Ultimo aggiornamento 7 Febbraio 2023