External Seminars


Thursday 15th June at 4pm, Salone Nobile di villa Cambiaso professor Gregory Stephanopoulos (Department of Chemical Engineering - Massachusetts Institute of Technology - USA) will held the seminar "Engineering microbes for industrial applications".

Thursday 1st June at 4pm, Salone Nobile (villa Cambiaso) professors Vincenzo Vespri (Università di Firenze) and Rino Caputo (Università di Roma Tor Vergata) will held the seminar "The architecture of the Dante's otherworldly worlds".

Thursday 4th May at 4pm, Salone Nobile (villa Cambiaso) professor Raymond E. Goldstein (DAMPT, University of Cambridge) will held the seminar "Cytoplasmic Streaming and the Swirling Instability of the Microtubule Cytoskeleton".

Thursday 4th May at 4pm, Room A7 (villa Cambiaso) professor Geert Lombaert from Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium) will held the seminar "Combining measurements and models for virtual sensing of civil engineering structures".

Thursday 13rd April at 4pm, Room A7 (villa Cambiaso) professor Marta Marcos from University of the Balearic Islands will held the seminar "Observations and drivers of coastal extreme sea levels".


Speaker: Pier giuseppe Ledda, Università di Cagliari

Thursday 23rd February at 4pm, Room A7 (villa Cambiaso) doctor Xavier Pintado from Mitta Engineering OY will held the seminar "The design of the Finnish deep geological repository for spent nuclear fuel. A multidisciplinary challenge involving civil, chemical and environmental engineering".

Thursday 23rd February at 4pm, Room A7 (villa Cambiaso) professor Cinzia Cristiani from Politecnico di Milano will held the seminar "Please, don't call them wastes: examples of bounty from bin".

Dicca Seminars program 2023 is online

h.3pm, Aula Magna - Via balbi 5, Genova - PLASTIC POLLUTION IN THE MEDITERRANEAN SEA - Seminar prof. François Galgani within the Tiscornia Seminars (DICCA)