Seminario Ing. Davide Solari & Mr. Neil Shaw

Dove e quando

2019-06-07 | ore 11:15-13:15, Aula A7 Scuola Politecnica - Villa Cambiaso - Via Montallegro 1

Structural Assessment of hystorical bridges in UK

Ing. Davide Solari (AECOM UK) & Mr. Neil Shah - Senior Recruiter (AECOM UK)

The railway infrastructure of the UKdeveloped rapidly during the 19thCentury. Thousands of bridges were built throughout the country and they are still in use nowadays. Infrastructure management representsone of the challenges of our agesand has to solveissues such as Code for Design vsCode for Existing Structures, Collection of Data vs Inspection, Maintenance vs Replacement. Network Rail, the owner oftheUK railway infrastructure, developed their own procedures for structural assessment and safety evaluation of bridges. As part of a ten years project, AECOM delivered the structural assessment of the most of critical bridges of the railway, developinga database of skills, knowledge and innovative methods which represent an absolute excellence in the industry. In particular, the implementation of non-linearities and global finite element models predicts the “real” structure failure limit, in comparison to achievement of modernUltimate Limit States concept.


prof. Roberta Massabò

Ultimo aggiornamento 7 Febbraio 2023